Soil expert Dr Oliver Knox brought his insights to the Coal valley in June when he visited from the New South Wales to run a workshop on practical tools for understanding and managing soil biology to improve crop yields and overall farm health.
Dr Knox, Associate Professor of Soil Systems Biology a the University of New England, is well-known for developing and delivering the #soilyourundies campaign to raise awareness of soil microbiology and measure its health across Australian soils.
The workshop, held at Coaldale Walnuts near Richmond, covered the theory behind fostering healthy soils, in Dr Knox’s highly engaging and entertaining style. There was also a practical session, examining soil health in two purpose-dug soil pits at different locations on the property.
While soil health is complex, there are some key principles, which are best summarised in a soil health framework Dr Knox developed for the cotton industry.
Some of the lessons around the effects of drought on soil biology were particularly relevant in our often dry climate. Tips for taking soil samples and interpreting test results were also useful.
CRPA thanks NRM South for organising and funding this valuable workshop for our members.