Farmers in our region now have access to detailed data from three CRPA member properties near Colebrook, Tea Tree and Richmond, with dryland soil moisture probes installed and integrated with the Farming Forecaster decision-support tool.
Data from the three sites is now available on the Tasmanian platform on the Farming Forecaster website following CRPA’s collaboration with with NRM South to support implementation of the tool in our region.
Developed with graziers, Farming Forecaster places soil moisture, local weather, pasture production and livestock performance information at graziers’ fingertips. See a video explaining how Farming Forecaster works.
NRM South has also been providing our membership with forecasting workshops and training in the use drought-resilience tools, including Farming Forecaster.
Farmers can use Farming Forecaster to review trends at several sites to make comparisons with their own farms. Each site has details on rainfall, soil type, pasture, the livestock enterprise and past management to help you to understand which sites are most relevant to you.
Find out more on the Farming Forecaster website, or on our projects page.